«Thanks to the high level of Rierasport’s football ,I was signed by RCDEspanyol and then Real Madrid called me to play with Zinédine Zidane (coach) «
Djaka Traoré, Costa de Marfil
25 años
«I’m so thankful with Rierasport for offering me its programs .I ’ve been the first Indian player to debut in the Spanish national league. Without its help, I would never have made it «
Luv Kapoor, India
21 años
» With RierasportI had the opportunity to play in the Polish first division. I was signed by RCD Espanyol and since then I am a professional football player»
Ismael Kam Traoré, Costa de Marfil
26 años
«Rierasport has helped me establish my future by offering a wide variety of options for development and success .Playing in the Spanish league has been a dream come true. «
Eddie Gwindi, Zimbabue
20 años
Lawrence Ohazurike
20 years
Patrick Artes, USA
18 years
Umer Arbab, Pakistan
17 years
Benny Vollaflor, USA
20 years
Brandom Flores, USA
20 years
Rodrick Majasi, Zimbawe
22 years